The Leverett Selectboard and the Energy Committee recently held a public meeting with representatives from Colonial Power to discuss the new Leverett Community Choice Power Program.

The Leverett Selectboard has chosen Colonial Power to provide electricity to town residents from renewable sources (“green energy”, mainly wind) at a rate lower than Eversource is currently charging. This agreement meets the goals expressed by voters to an article presented by the Leverett Energy Committee at the 2015 Leverett Town Meeting (100 percent renewable, less-costly energy).

Colonial Power explained the three options:

■Option 1: 100 percent energy from National Wind (specifically wind power generated in Texas); this option is referred to as “Standard Green” energy and enrolls residents automatically.

■Option 2: 100 percent MA Class 1 renewable green energy. This option is referred to as “Optional Green” energy. This option provides the cleanest and most local energy available of these three options. To choose a green product with 100 percent local renewable energy, residents must contact Colonial Power to “Opt in” and choose this option.

■Option 3: Opt-out of Colonial’s aggregation of both Texas wind and Mass energy. This means staying with Eversource at a higher rate than either option 1 or option 2. Eversource is required by Massachusetts law to include 14 percent Mass. green renewable energy; the rest is a mix of fossil fuels and nuclear.

The Climate Action Group of the Leverett Alliance strongly urges residents who can afford to pay slightly more (0.00851/kWh more) to choose Option 2 “Optional Green” energy; it is the cleanest and most local energy, thus keeping business in Massachusetts and further encouraging our state to expand green energy options.

Peggy Wolff (Leverett Climate Action Group)

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